Galactic Hunt's next set of decks will be the Punisher and Goliath! They are already being assembled and tested. The punisher's main purpose is to hit hard and fast in the early game but may struggle to keep up late game. The Goliath grow much larger and deadlier as the game goes on. Once preorders for the starter deck is over, expect the preorders for these decks to go up!
The Punisher will be Marcus Everbond. You may have seen it mentioned on the recommended decks. His effect allows him to take half of the tokens of any alien he hunts. This allows him to line up a second combo to finish them off! The Goliath will be the Ticandra Worm also mentioned in the recommended decks. This massive sandworm tears apart villages and grows beyond the normal size for its species! Its ability allows it to play the solo class's cards. Combined with Super size Adaptation, it can continue to raise its max durability every turn and gain more armor!
After these two decks are released, we plan to release a card pack with 25 cards for more deck modification! Look forward to these new releases and watch out for the preorders. Happy hunting!